July 2004
- New photos in Image Gallery | Photo Album | Reading Collection courtesy of Rob Reading
June 2004
- Author, Photographer and a Screen Star For Over 50 Years interview (and photos taken at Roddy's home) from Hello! magazine added to Reader's Nook | Reprinted Articles
- Added genealogy reports to Biographical Stats
April 2004
- Go to Filmography | The Truth About Lying for unit publicist Bram Eisenthal's memories of his meeting with Roddy McDowall and John Ritter.
March 2004
- Added a letter to the website from producer/writer Randy Gitsch about Roddy's participation in his film. Check it out in Filmography | Keepers of the Frame
February 2004
- New image files in Image Gallery | Assorted Scans, Take 3
- Mp3 files of Family Theater radio performances added to the See and Hear webpage
September 2003
- New images! Check out the Image Gallery for new photos in:
Movies | Other Movies (page 11)
Television | Other TV Shows (page 6)
Assorted Scans, Take 2 (pages 10 and 11)
June 2003
- The email address for the Musgrave Foundation has changed again. It's now rmgroup@dana-holland.com.
February 2003
- The Musgrave Foundation (a.k.a. the mailing list) gets a new email address: rmgroup@navarrocollege.edu
May 2002
- Welcome to our new home!
- The tribute website's email address is now admin@xmoppet.org
January 2002
- Added a link in Reader's Nook | Fan Literature to what is quite possibly the only Fantastic Journey fanfic in the entire web
November 2001
- Roc relates what happened during the dedication of the Roddy McDowall Memorial Rose Garden in Personal Encounters | A Wonderful Evening, That Almost Wasn't
- New Sound Bytes
- New drawing in Image Gallery | Fan Art
October 2001
- New scans added to Image Gallery | Plays, including a photo of what has to be the most unusual attire for a Shakespeare recital (in A Shakespeare Cabaret)
September 2001
- The tribute website's email address is now rmtribute@bravenet.net
- In honor of Roddy's birthday on September 17 and his sister's birthday on September 23, we're reprinting "My Brother, Roddy", an article written by Virginia McDowall in August 1943. It can be found in Reader's Nook | Reprinted Articles.
- Additional Reprinted Articles in the Reader's Nook:
Roddy Grins Through!
McDowall Places Himself Second
From Child Star to Film Director
The Milliion Dollar Face
- New in Image Gallery | Scrapbook: Movie Life February 1942
April 2001
- Lots of new sites added to Image Gallery | External Links (check out the IMDB Roddy gallery)
- The tribute website's email address is now rmtribute@nsimail.com (the address for the mailing list hasn't changed)
- Try out the new guestbook!
March 2001
- New scans courtesy of Kari Prince in Image Gallery | Photo Album | Princely Things
- An addition to Image Gallery | Photo Album | Rodriguez Gallery, with the permission of photog Santiago Rodriguez
January 2001
- Screen captures (sort of) from McMillan and Wife added to Image Gallery | Television Captures
- Photographic Scans has been renamed Photo Album. The old Photo Album is now called Scrapbook
December 2000
- Photographic Scans of pictures taken at Cheviot Hills
- You can now view bigger images from Movie Life Yearbook 1947 in the Photo Album
- New info in Biographical Stats
- New Photographic Scans, reprinted with the kind permission of photographer Santiago Rodriguez
September 2000
- New images in Photo Album
August 2000
- New Photographic Scans in Princely Things, courtesy of Kari Prince, and in the The Comby Treasury, courtesy of Janet Comby
- Moved the following sections to Reader's Nook
Reprinted Articles
Fan Literature
The Index Room
- More External Links in the Image Gallery
- Fan Literature page added to Funstuff
July 2000
- New images in Assorted Scans, Take Three
June 2000
- Redesigning of the Filmography ... done!
- There's a new webpage called The Index Room in Funstuff
- Plot summaries for most of the plays, more images, plus new links in Career Information: On Stage
Diary of a Scoundrel
Good as Gold
Otherwise Engaged
- We added something special in Biographical Stats — click on Roddy's full name to discover this treat!
- External Link to Lycos Pictures in the Image Collection... terrific photos!
- New Photographic Scans from Fantastic Journey, Tales of the Gold Monkey, Fright Night, and more — check them out under Still Things. Plus we have some photos courtesy of Kari Prince, dubbed Princely Things (we couldn't resist)
- Redesigning of the Filmography is still in progress ... why did that man have to make so many movies? ;-D
May 2000
- Added production info from the Dead of Winter presskit to Reprinted Articles
- Redesigning of the Filmography currently in progress ...
April 2000
- More images from Cleopatra
- More Reprinted Articles
My Father Is A Hero!
Roddy McDowall '46
March 2000
- An original article about Compulsion has been added to the Reviews
- New Photographic Scans from the Poseidon Adventure special screening/reunion in 1997
February 2000
- This page now has six photos to choose from
- Even more images from various movies, TV shows and plays, plus Assorted Scans, Take Three
- "The Role I Liked Best", written by Roddy in 1947, has been added to Reprinted Articles (which are now listed chronologically)
- There is now a link to Roddy's "Invaders" episode in Career Information: Television Appearances
January 2000
- Hit that reload button! Which of five photos of Roddy will you see next?
- The Musgrave Foundation (a.k.a. the mailing list) gets a new email address: rmgroup@nav.cc.tx.us
- Dana Holland takes over as mailing list administrator
- New webpage explaining how to join The Musgrave Foundation
- FanArtist Barbara Townley-Oak submits new drawings
December 1999
- Check out the Image Collection -- nice, new ones in Assorted Scans, Take Two
- New links in Career Information: Television Appearances
Bridges to Cross
The Carol Burnett Show
Fantasy Island
It Takes a Thief
The Twilight Zone