Tom Greene <> I wish I could say hello to you on a brighter day. I've been meaning to drop in. But I've been globe-trotting again on assignments. However I love reading your bulletins, and I have my assistant print them out and fax them to me where-ever I am.
I wanted to say hello to all the Monkey fans, especially to the wonderful people I met last year at the reunion, and of course, say how shocked and sadden I am at the passing of Roddy. There are so very few people in this business that you work with that you have so much admiration for, so few who still have that royal class that comes from a different time and a different space. There are so few left like Roddy. Here in Hollywood, most passings are met with a fake sigh and two seconds of "mourning," and then everyone is back to complaining about their agents. However I was actually at a charity function when the news came down, and the place was filled with "celebrities," and I can tell you that people were visibly shaken. Many broke out in real tears, other's were in shock. Two of the "names" who loved him so much, one of whom had dinner with him only a month or so before, had to leave, and couldn't go up for the auction part of the event, they were so moved in sorrow. This was a very unique experience ... because genuine emotion in this town is as rare as plaid M&M's. I can't remember when I've seen such an outpouring of love for anyone.
I remember that over a year ago one of the Roddy's Websites asked me to write some stories about my experiences with him, especially since I wrote the episode that people seem to think showed him off the most: Bon Chance Louie. I wrote several long stories about Roddy, and I believe then sent them to you to post on your board. I have no idea how to find them ... but if you do, it may be nice to reprint them here as a tribute to him. I was going to try and remember them today and write them again, but frankly I'm still too raw for that. Honestly I hadn't seen Roddy in years ... but he was a huge influence on me, and I feel it was his huge talent and huge heart that inspired me to write, what I still believe is some of my best work. And for the kindness and respect he showed to me I will always be grateful.
Au revoir, Louie. Le ciel est juste devenu un plus grand endroit parce qu'ils vous ont. Mes larmes ne peuvent pas arrêter demi de voie en bas de ma joue. Mais votre sourire sera toujours à mon coeur.
The last paragraph translates roughly to:
Goodbye, Louie. Heaven just became a greater place because they have you. My tears cannot stop halfway along my cheek. But your smile will always be in my heart.
To understand this part completely, please read Chatting with Tom Greene and More Chatting with Tom.